Let’s go! We are launching the 2016 project.
14 juin 2016Dear Donors,
Let’s go! We are launching the 2016 project.
It’s already been 3 years since the last one. The time flies by so fast.
Speaking of date. In July, Karibu rêve, the law 1901-association, is going to celebrate its 5-year-old birthday. So, Happy Birthday to everyone because you are Karibu rêve.
Let’s get back to business! Here are this year’s projects.
- Uniforms : Boys : 173 x 7€ = 1211€ / Girls : 177 x 6€ = 1062€
- Wooden desks : 30 x 17€ = 510€
- Metal chairs : 30 x 19€ = 570€
- Composting toilets x 3 = 600€
- Uniforms : Boy s: 122 x 7€ = 854€ / Girls : 148 x 6€ = 888€
- Wooden desks : 30 x 17€ = 510€
- Metal chairs : 30 x 19€ = 570€
- Composting toilets x 3 = 600€
- Uniforms : Boys : 84 x 7€ = 588€ – Girls : 75 x 6€ = 450€
TOTAL : 8.413 €
Knowing I’ve done the euros exchange according the current rate. But within 6 months, things can change.
In addition, I would like to have a small budget devoted to « firm favorite » projects on the spot. For instance, in 2013, we bought maltresses and blankets for the elderly and the orphans.
Then, I’d love to get a 10000-euro budget. A madness? Yes, but totally feasible.
- NSA Human Dance school which helped to organize a training course in Kenya
- Sales of honey in Fidelia (where I worked)
- Sales of arts and crafts from Kenya at my place, at my sister’s place (Stephanie), at my current job and at the Christmas market of Léhon in december 2015.
- Regular and spontaneous donations since the last project in 2013
- Donation from Lanvalley city during the budget distribution/layout for the assiociations for several years
- We are going to reinvest the lend funds during the micro finance setting up.
So what we actually need right now is to collect about half of the necessary budget that is to say 5 to 6000 euros.
And as you can imagine, I need you! During my holidays, I’m taking my bag and going there to set up actions with Tom…And your participation can turn our projects about reality. KARIBU exists thanks to you.
Why not spreading a word around you?
Thanks in advance, for whom wants to make a donation. Do it before the 30th of August, 2016 in order to set up the project depending on the donations.
You can delivered personally to my parents or to me during a meeting.
Send your cheque to :
Karibu rêve c/o Anne Baron
8 avenue Rhin et Danube
38100 Grenoble
Karibu rêve c/o Yvette and Marcel Touffet 17 avenue des Champs Hingant
22100 Lanvallay
Donation with your bank card via Paypal http://www.karibureve.com/comment-aider/ and the fiscal receipt will follow.
I’ll inform you about the donation progress gradually.
Then, as tradition requires, the donors will receive emails regularly with pictures during my trip. And finally, just a last word to tell you how proud I’m of what we are doing together.
I’d like to carry all of you with me in order for you to have the chance to see all the joy you bring to the children.
Many thanks. Anne BARON